I’d love to hear from any readers out there. Keeps me from yelling at myself all day.

Email: daukherville@gmail.com

Twitter: @daukherville

  1. Brian Lillie said:

    Hey there– I just saw “Absentia” the other night and am thinking you would probably dig it. It’s really subtle and creepy and they somehow manage to pull off a pretty impressive scale with very little dough. Movies like this always help remind me how important the characters and actors are to making something truly scary…

    That is all…

    Other than I liked the Beethoven Horse…

    Al the best,

    Brian Lillie

  2. Kristopher Kelly said:

    Hey, thanks, Brian! I’ll definitely check it out. And thanks for the comment on “Ludwig.” Glad you enjoyed it.

  3. Alison Dozier said:

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